Sunday, 13 October 2013

Josh's Birthday Mario Boo Cake

 My stepbrother Josh turned 14 and he loves (like every other 14 year old boy) computer games. My mom had bought me a new cake dec book so we were looking through it with Josh and he picked out a spooky castle cake, this cake was only tiny so we thought we'd make a big castle and add some Mario "Boos". We stacked some round sponge caked and covered it marzipan and grey fondant. The fondant wasn't great so it rippled and cracked. It should have gone on thicker, but it didn't matter as the cracks only helped with the castle theme. We made little fondant boulders and put them all over and painted on some crack detail, windows, boo eyes, a port coulis etc.
I then went on to make my Boos. I took six cupcakes, and used butter cream to stack them top to top and covered the, both in a thick layer of cutter cream.

I then covered them in marzipan and added another layer of white fondant and smoothed them over.
 My mom covering up the cracks.
Me in the kitchen.

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