Thursday, 21 July 2011

Ideas for My Little Pony Cake

It's Megans 7th Bithday next week and I've said I'll do the cake. She has told me she wants a My Little Pont cake but I think thats only because I know she has a cook book with a cake in. Sadly, I find that trying to follow instructions on how to make a cake very hard to follow, I find it a lot easier to have an idea for a cake and be creative with it. That way it will look good anyway, because you'll have nothing to compare it to.
So anyway, I've been looking online and found some photos for ideas:

This is the kind of thing I think I'll go for if I do the My Little Pont cake, I've not done a simple tier cake before, and I'm just wondering if it is simple..Otherwise there is this idea, which looks simpler, it'd involve a tray bake and some icing fun. Could go very wrong though.
But as I've said, I think Megs only wants a Pony one because of her book, I think I may do something completely different. She is 7 and she's getting into older things now, Jo is buying her a tatty teddy bedroom set so I'm thinking Pony is maybe a bit young for her now.
She is into hello kitty....But I might just try doing a layered cake and having fun with effects I haven't tried.
Either way I'll have a nice long think about it and will definately post a blog when it's done. My sister Catherine is coming over that weekend so hopefully if we get a chance between all the partying, we can get started on the cake together, so I'll have some help. I find it best to do it in stages as well coz there is such thing as a cake thats too fresh.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

My Birthday

Here are some photos of my fantastic Birthday cake from my mum. I helped make them but it was her idea. Cupcakes on a stand decorated beautifully, complete with Disney Princesses

I had to be the one to have Ariel!

My family all took me out for Dinner at an Italian Restraunt on the pier in Bangor, it was a tiny little place but the food was beautiful. Everyone in my family was there and I had a great night.
Here are just some photos of the night.

No my sister is not getting my nephew drunk, Daniel just has the habit of wanting everything of everyone elses. Hehe!
Me and wonderful sibling, (l to r) Nicola, Me, Catherine and Connor.... of and my uncle Martin ruining the photo there!
My stunning Nephew Daniel JamesAnd heres my whole family tucking into some proper Italian quisine! Niiiiiice!
There, there was Amy, Martin, Scott, Catherine, Lee, Me Nicky, Daniel, My Mum Vikki, Connor, My Nan Gloria, Uncle Ron, Becky, Nick and Joe.
Thanks to all for a lovely Birthday.

Megans Princess Party

I have to say this is my biggest achievement so far. I was an apsolute devil to do. It was my everest! but with a lot of help from my mum I did it.
My friends Jo and Gaj wanted to throw a Princess themed party for their daughter Megan because she was pretty into the Disney Princesses. Jo and I had taken her to see Disney Princesses on Ice (which was epic) earlier that year and I had bought her a Snow White costume the previous Christmas so it seemed right.
So once again, I offered to make the cake!!!
We hunted for ideas and eventually my mum and I came up with a design and went to work.
Here is the finished product!!

Maramlade cake base and sponge castle whick was covered in ready to roll and modelling icing. Hand painted detail and covered in glitter, flowers, hearts and decorative icing. Complete with minature Cinderella on top!

You'd never believe that the day of the party it all came tumbling down and was re built at the last minute now would you. And I thank my mum for that!

I think the Princess enjoyed her ball!

Connors 11th Birthday!

Here are the photos from my brother Connors 11th Birthday last year in 2010. He had a good night, we cooked his favourite dinner and we invited our friend simon round for some laughs and spent the night looking up funny videos on youtube.
With Connor, once you start him off laughing, he doesn't stop so it was a very funny night. He also had a party the following weekend with all his school freinds. They went swimming then came back to the house for cherryade, crisps and a game of twister.

Sadly the Mario Mushroom cake didn't last long and I didn't get a chance to get a photograph befor it got demolished, but here you can see. It was a plane sponge with ready to roll icing over the top which I simply hand painted.

Here he is in his new jumper looking ever so handsome.

and here he is with my mum Vikki.

Cuppy Cup Cakes!

So shortly after we redecorated the kitchen in mint green and pink, we started making cupcakes as that was the theme of the kitchen. We had cupcake placemats, cupcake ornaments, even cupcake plates! It was awesome. Heres a few photos of some of the cakes we made one day in our newly decorated kitchen!

And he's my brother Connor playing with his DSi. He also enjoyed making and decorating our cupcakes.

The First Venture

It was coming up to Megans fifth birthday and my mum and I decided that we'd make her cake this year. We'd seen a design in a really old chocolate cook book of my mums that we thought would be perfect so we gave it a go. We'd gotten the baking bug after visiting candy cakes in Covent Garden and we'd just redecorated the kitchen exactly like it. My mum had alwyas made our birthday cakes when we were little, she was fantastic at it. She used to hand paint them using food colouring and tracing paper. Once she'd even made me a 101 Dalmations cake covered in marzepan dalamtions that she and my auntie Becky had stayed up all night moulding! Well thanks mum! And heres our wonderful first venture together for our freind Megans fifth Birthday.

The head fell off the day before because the cake was too heavy, so we adjusted the recipe to make it right, but I think it turned out ok. It was yummy anyway! Also the actual mixture was made with marmalade and syrup so it was really strong and we've used it a couple of times since.


My name is Jessica Jones-Hughes, I live in Honeybourne in Worcestershire and I'm 19. I started making cakes for friends a few years ago and thought it was pretty cool so I thought I'd put them onto my blog. I found blogs really useful when I was looking for ideas on what to make and how to make them so I thought i'd contribute and put my ideas up to help you out if you fancied having a go. Also these cakes took a lot of hard work and effort and I wanted to show them off and make the most of them. I hope you enjoy them.